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14 Onboarding Best Practices (2023 Guide) – Empowering Your New Hires with Isempower

At Isempower, we understand that successful onboarding sets the foundation for a thriving workforce. That’s why we have curated a comprehensive guide of 14 onboarding best practices to help employers and recruiters create a seamless and effective onboarding experience for their new hires. Let’s dive in!

  1. Preboard New Hires 

Preboarding is the process of starting an employee’s onboarding experience before their first day. It can get them excited for their new job and keep them engaged until their start date. This is the perfect time for you to send them some company swag, such as a water bottle or notepad with your logo, for example, and encourage them to ask any questions they might have. Also, send them the onboarding schedule via email so they know what to expect on day one.

  1. Streamline Administrative Tasks 

It’s a good idea to give your new hires a head start on administrative tasks, such as creating a company email address or completing HR paperwork, so that their first day doesn’t revolve around filling out documents. Some examples of paperwork you may want to encourage them to work on before they start include: 

Tax forms, Direct deposit forms, Noncompete or nondisclosure agreements, Employee handbook acknowledgment forms,

If possible, let your new employees complete these forms electronically so they don’t have to deal with the hassle of printing them and filling them out manually.

  1. Personalized Welcome Packages 

While welcome packages aren’t required, they can leave a positive first impression and convey that you appreciate your new hires. You can keep them basic or get creative and send out cookies or other sweet treats with your logo. Whatever you do, make sure your welcome packages reflect your unique culture. Send them out via mail as soon as candidates accept their offers.

  1. Involve the Team 

Successful onboarding is a collaborative effort, meaning it involves a variety of team members, not just hiring managers and the HR department. Be sure that other employees, managers, supervisors and even senior leaders understand the onboarding process and how they’ll fit into it. New hires will feel more comfortable and connected to your company as a whole.

  1. Assign a Buddy 

When new hires are paired with a buddy who they regularly meet on a weekly or monthly basis, they’ll have someone to turn to for questions and concerns. Choose buddies who are positive role models and are excited to show new employees the ropes. Ideally, they’d be colleagues rather than direct managers or supervisors so that newbies feel comfortable asking them about the culture and team. Your buddy program can be as formal or as informal as you’d like.

  1. Job Shadowing for Comprehensive Understanding

There’s no better way for new hires to understand how your company works than to shadow a variety of employees. If they work in marketing, for example, it might make sense for them to spend a few hours shadowing sales representatives in your call center. By exposing new employees to different departments, they’ll be better equipped to perform their jobs. Shadowing may also make it easier for them to meet all types of team members.

  1. Fun and Informative First Day 

A new employee’s first day should be fun and informative at the same time. You don’t want them to spend eight hours filling out paperwork and sitting through lectures. But you also want to ensure they learn something and are better prepared to start their job. Here are some tips to ensure their first day is a success. 

Set up their desk or office with their ID badges, passwords, handbooks, a map of the building and anything else that will make their life easier on day one. 

Arrange a nice lunch out with co-workers. 

Send out a company-wide email that introduces the new employee. 

First-day gifts aren’t bad either. 

Be patient and responsive. 

Don’t hesitate to ask current employees what they did or didn’t like about their first day. This information can give you some valuable insight on how to plan first days going forward.

  1. Define Success Clearly 

Success varies widely from company to company. That’s why it’s your job to clarify what it means to do well at your organization. While doing so, use concrete examples from past employees and be specific with numbers or data as vague statements will only confuse new hires. By setting expectations right off the bat, your new team members will be more likely to achieve success.

  1. Emphasize Company Culture 

At the end of the day, most employees care about more than just their compensation. They’d like to work at a company with a great culture. A positive culture can keep them engaged, motivated and productive. That’s why it’s important to showcase your company’s culture throughout the onboarding process. Share your organization’s history as well as its mission statement and values. Highlight what makes it unique and why some of your longest employees have been so loyal.

  1. Gradual Introduction to Responsibilities 

Let’s be honest. Nobody wants to start their first days or weeks overwhelmed at a new job. To keep new hires happy and increase their chances of success, assign tasks with the expectation that it will take three, six and nine months to complete them. If things are going well, slowly but surely increase the level of responsibility that comes with each task. During this time, check in with new hires often to address any issues and make changes to their task list as needed.

  1. Regular Check-Ins 

Onboarding doesn’t end once your new employees have filled out their paperwork, met the team and completed training. It’s an ongoing process that requires weekly, monthly or quarterly check-ins. These check-ins serve as an opportunity to sit down with them to ensure they’re comfortable and happy. Don’t forget to acknowledge any of their contributions and ask them if they need additional training or support. Regular check-ins can mean the difference between a long-term, productive employee and one who quits early on.

  1. Engagement from Senior Leaders 

Even though new hires may not interact with senior leaders often, it’s important that they know who they’re working for. Do your best to involve senior team members in the onboarding process as much as possible. They may give a tour of your building, take employees out to lunch, give a brief overview of the company history or even conduct a required training session. New employees will feel good if they know that superiors are making time for them during their first days and weeks on the job.

  1. Flexibility for Adapting 

While a structured, well-planned onboarding strategy is a good idea, it should allow for some flexibility. Let’s say a new employee is unable to visit your office for in-person onboarding at the last minute. In this case, you’ll want to be prepared with a remote option. Also, if you notice new hires need some time to relax after an intense training session, you may want to move the next training to the next day or week.

  1. Continuous Improvement 

Your onboarding process is not set in stone. In fact, it’s highly likely that you’ll change it from time to time. Actively seek feedback from your current employees through regular surveys or conversations so you know what you’re doing well and where you can improve. Continue to enhance the way you onboard and don’t be afraid to completely revamp your process as your company evolves over time.

At Isempower, we believe in empowering employers and recruiters with the tools and resources to create a successful onboarding experience. Our platform streamlines the hiring process, providing access to a diverse talent pool of international students and supporting your organization’s growth. Together, let’s elevate your onboarding practices to new heights.For more insights and support on effective onboarding strategies, explore our services at http://joinwayble.com/