How to Write a Canadian Resume as an International Student

Wait a second…what is even a Canadian-standard resume? 

Resume format in North America can be very different from in Asia or other parts of the world. In North America, we use resumes when applying for jobs instead of a CV. 

What’s the difference between a resume and a CV? 

Resume is a summary of your professional experience. It does not list everything that you have done in the past but only the experience that is relevant to the job you are applying for. Resume should never be longer than 2 pages.

CV (Curriculum Vitae) on the other hand is a latin word that means, course of life. It presents everything the candidate has done professionally or personally. It is more detailed and often used in the academic world and has a lot more information like certifications, credentials, or research papers. CV can have multiple pages as many as required.

Do you need a resume or a CV?

Always use a resume to apply for jobs in North America. Use CV for academic jobs or when you are asked to.

What does a Canadian resume look like?

Resume in Canada is very similar to anywhere else in North America. Here are a few things to keep in mind. 

  1. It should never be longer than 2 pages. 1 page is ideal.
  2. Never put a photo
  3. Keep the color & template as plain as possible
  4. Include volunteer + project experiences
  5. Don’t include marital, immigration details
  6. Don’t create a section called “Canadian experience”

Need help with writing a resume? Download a free resume template by logging in to Isempower.